Here at Beautiful Blooms we are dedicated to providing fresh, quality seeds. Our Biennials catalog enables you to view pictures of Biennials while looking for the type of Biennials that you are searching for. As you find the Biennials that you are looking for, you can simply select the quantity of seed packages you would like to order and add them to your cart. To view the items in your cart, simply click here to go to the Order Form page.

Alcaea rosea fuschia - Hollyhock
A dark pink or fuschia coloured single petal hollyhock. Bees and birds loved these all summer, it was a treat to watch.
Product Overview:Perennial
Positioning:Full sun
Germination:Easy, germinates at warm
Price:$3.00 (50 seeds per package)

Alcaea rosea light pink - Hollyhock
How I did not get a good picture of this is beyond me. I sure enjoyed this plant summer of '21. Always covered in bees, it was fun to watch them try to wiggle their way into still closed buds. I even got hummingbirds visit on a regular basis.
Single petaled soft pink.
Can be used for dyeing fibre.
Product Overview:Perennial
Positioning:Full sun
Germination:Easy, germinates at warm
Price:$3.00 (50 seeds per package)

Alcaea rosea white - Hollyhock
Single petaled white hollyhock.
Product Overview:Perennial
Positioning:Full sun
Germination:Easy, germinates at warm
Price:$3.00 (25 seeds per package)

Caraway carvi
Considered a biennial in Alberta as we do not have a long enough growing season for it to produce seed first year. All parts of the plant are edible, young leaves can be used in salads, the roots can be treated like carrots, and of course the seeds are used in baking.
Product Overview:Biennial
Height:60 cm - 90 cm (2' - 3')
Positioning:Full sun
Germination:Warm germinator
Price:$3.00 (30 seeds per package)
Myosotis sylvatica - blue & pink
Forget-me-not mix of blue & pink
Soft blue and pink blooms that start in May - June. Give it a trim after blooms are spent and it will reward you with more blooms in the fall.
Forms a rosette of leaves first year and blooms the next. Self seeds readily and can get a bit 'weedy'.
Product Overview:Biennial
Positioning:Full sun to almost full shade
Germination:Requires light to germinate
Price:$3.00 (50 seeds per package)

Townsendia parryi
Parry's Townsendia
Not wild collected, grown from seed in my garden. I do like this plant, a lot. It is compact, a good bloomer (in my garden), does well in part shade, and the bloom is purple.
Product Overview:Biennial
Height:5-25 cm
Positioning:Full sun to part shade
Germination:Requires fluctuating temps to germinate
Price:$4.00 (15 seeds per package)

Verbascum thapsus - Common Mullein
A biennial or short lived perennial. Soft fuzzy gray green leaves form a rosette the first year, sometimes it may bloom in the fall, most often it will wait until the next year. The flower spike can get upwards of 180 cm (6').
Product Overview:Biennial
Height:about 180 cm (about 6')
Positioning:Full sun to part shade
Germination:Easy, warm germinator
Price:$3.00 (50 seeds per package)