Here at Beautiful Blooms we are dedicated to providing fresh, quality seeds. Our Woodies catalog enables you to view pictures of Woodies while looking for the type of Woodies that you are searching for. As you find the Woodies that you are looking for, you can simply select the quantity of seed packages you would like to order and add them to your cart. To view the items in your cart, simply click here to go to the Order Form page.

Acer ginnala
Amur Maple
Native to China, Manchuria and Japan. A small tree often grown as a boulevard tree or garden subject. The foliage turns a wonderful red in the fall. Hardy to Zone 2. These small trees are tough as nails and quite easy to start from seed.
There are many studies looking into the medicinal qualities of maple, worth taking some time to look up. And then there is maple syrup.
Can also be used as a bonsai subject.
Product Overview:Trees & Shrubs
Height:3-10 metres
Positioning:Full sun
Germination:Fresh seed gives best results, cold frame suggested
Price:$4.00 (25 seeds per package)

Betula papyrifera
Paper birch, White birch
There just so happens to be a magnificent speciman of this tree on the property. It's a fair hike to get to, worth it.
Native people cut the inner bark into long strips, boiled them, and then added these "noodles" to stew.
Product Overview:Trees & Shrubs
Height:Up to 30 m tall
Positioning:Full sun
Germination:Easy, sow directly outdoors
Price:$3.00 (50 seeds per package)

Cotoneaster lucidus
Product Overview:Trees & Shrubs
Positioning:Full sun to part shade
Germination:Scarification & fluctuating temps required
Price:$4.00 (50 seeds per package)

Hippophae rhamnoides - Sea Buckthorn
Sea Buckthorn - These are beautiful shrubs / small trees. They are quite hardy in our zone 3 and could probably be pushed to zone 2.
I especially like them for winter interest.
Product Overview:Trees & Shrubs
Positioning:Full sun to part shade
Germination:Start at warm temps in spring
Price:$4.50 (30 seeds per package)

Larix occidentalis - Western Larch
Western Larch was planted in the Red Deer area many years ago. It is from some of these trees that I collect the seed. What first drew me to this tree was the red sheet like bark. Very pretty.
This will grow to be a large tree and it will take up considerable space, site carefully.
Product Overview:Trees & Shrubs
Height:50 m
Positioning:Full sun
Germination:Requires fluctuating temps to germinate
Price:$4.00 (25 seeds per package)

Picea abies
Norway Spruce
Native to Europe but used in as an ornamental and in forestation. The picture taken is not at all a good representation of the beauty of this tree. I will try to get a better one.
What drew me to this beautiful tree was the cones. The cones hang off the branches and are 10-16 cm long. They fall to the ground after dispersing their seed.
It grows faster than our native species, and forms a good windbreak. It also has a dense conical crown and branches that droop down to the ground. It is ideal for Christmas tree plantations. New shoots of the Norway spruce are used in making spruce beer.
Product Overview:Trees & Shrubs
Height:20-30 m
Positioning:Full sun
Germination:Direct sow outdoors
Price:$4.00 (25 seeds per package)

Picea pungens
Blue Spruce
Planted throughout Red Deer and many other Canadian towns and cities, no doubt due to its hardiness and beauty.
This seed is from trees collected in Red Deer.
Product Overview:Trees & Shrubs
Height:about 23 m
Positioning:Full sun to part shade
Price:$4.00 (50 seeds per package)
Prunus tomentosa
Nanking Cherry
These shrubs are easy to grow, fast growing, and easy to keep.
I did not particulary like them to eat off the shrub, but that was from the bushes in the Red Deer garden. Our soil is obviously different here, the cherries are delicious. I can eat as many as I pick for seed. These make a wonderful jelly. The only recipe I've found that works is located at The Blue Flame Kitchen.
Product Overview:Shrub
Height:2 m +
Positioning:Full sun
Germination:Requires fluctuating temperatures to germinate
Price:$4.00 (20 seeds per package)

Rosa spinosissima
Burnet Rose, Rosa pimpinellifolia, Rosa poteriifolia
This stunning rose grows on this property and my neighbour's, wildly. At the neighbour's it reaches over 6' tall, here in the yard it is smaller but only due to it's location.
What I love the most about this rose is the quarter size dark purple / black hips in the fall. I love the smell of them, fresh and fermenting. I think they would make excellent schnapps. Also curious is that in spite of the size of the hips, there are very few seeds in them. The most I have ever found per hip is 4 seeds, the average is one seed.
Product Overview:Trees & Shrubs
Height:2 metres
Positioning:Full sun to part shade
Germination:Requires fluctuating temperatures to germinate
Price:$0.00 (15 seeds per package)

Sambucus racemosa
Red-Berried Elder
Collected from garden growm specimens. This seed is a two year germinator requiring warm, cold periods.
Product Overview:Trees & Shrubs
Height:Up to 4 metres
Positioning:Full sun to part shade
Germination:Requires warm, cold cycles up to 2 years
Price:$4.00 (30 seeds per package)
Viburnum trilobum
Viburnum opulus - High Bush Cranberry
Clusters of white flowers in late June. Fruits are cranberry size and bright red, often hanging on throughout the winter. The drupe is edible, but very tart. An excellent additional fruit to add to jams & jellies.
Product Overview:Shrub
Height:1m +
Positioning:Full sun to part shade
Germination:Requires fluctuating temperatures to germinate
Price:$4.00 (40 seeds per package)