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Wild Collected Seed

Here at Beautiful Blooms we are dedicated to providing fresh, quality seeds. Our Wild Collected Seed catalog enables you to view pictures of Wild Collected Seed while looking for the type of Wild Collected Seed that you are searching for. As you find the Wild Collected Seed that you are looking for, you can simply select the quantity of seed packages you would like to order and add them to your cart. To view the items in your cart, simply click here to go to the Order Form page.

Antennaria pulcherrima

Showy Everlasting

Quite common in the foothills and higher elevations.  Antennaria have either male or female plants.  It's easy to tell the difference with this one.  Female flower is pictured.

Product Overview:Alberta Native

Height:20 -50 cm

Positioning:Full sun

Germination:May require fluctuating temperatures

Price:$4.00 (A good pinch (too tiny to count))

Quantity: add to cart

Antennaria rosea


Found several clumps of this beauty in my area this past summer.  Forms a dense mat with lovely pink bracts.

Product Overview:Perennial

Height:10 + cm

Positioning:Full sun to part shade

Germination: Easy, warm germinator

Price:$0.00 (A good pinch (too tiny to count) 100+)

Quantity: add to cart

Anticlea elegans (syn. Zigadenus elegans)

If I could only have one of the Alberta wildflowers....  I would lose my mind, pick just one? But this is a favourite and I do love to see them in the ditches in central Alberta.  Up highway 761 are some huge clumps of them that have obviously been growing there for many years.  They are so beautiful.  

They have recently been moved to the Melanthiaceae family.  

Very easy to grow in the home garden. 

Product Overview:Perennial

Height:20-60 cm (8-24")

Positioning:Full sun to part shade

Germination:Warm germinator but can be slow

Price:$4.00 (50 seeds per package)

Quantity: add to cart

Aquilegia brevistyla

I found a wonderful spot way up past Abraham Lake with a huge colony of aquilegia growing amongst wild roses and shepherdia.   I finally captured this picture.  Love it.

Product Overview:Perennial / Wild Collected

Height:up to 60 cm

Positioning:Full sun to part shade

Germination:Seed requires light & fluctuating temperatures

Price:$4.00 (30 seeds per package)

Quantity: add to cart

Aquilegia wild mix

I came across a colony of Aquilegia in a spot I didn't expect them.   From what I can tell aquilegia brevistyla & aquilegia flavescens are in the mix.

Product Overview:Perennial

Height:30+ cm

Positioning:Full sun to part shade

Germination:Germinates best with light & fluctuating temps

Price:$4.00 (60 seeds per package)

Quantity: add to cart

Aralia nudicaulis

Wild Sarsaparilla

Found in aspen and mixed wood forests.  This is a member of the ginseng family (Araliaceae).  Wild sarsaparilla has medicinal properties and was an ingredient in the original root beer.  The aromatic root makes an excellent tea.

Product Overview:Perennial

Height:30-60 cm

Positioning:Does best in moist shade

Germination:Requires fluctuating temperatures to germinate

Price:$4.00 (40 seeds per package)

Quantity: add to cart

Arnica cordifolia

Heart Leaf Arnica

Used extensively in herbal preparations.  I've started making my own arnica infused oil for topical use.  It does help with aches and pains.

Product Overview:Perennial

Height:20-60 cm (8-24")

Positioning:Full sun

Germination:May require a cold period

Price:$4.00 (15 seeds per package)

Quantity: add to cart

Arnica fulgens

I'm partial to yellow flowers, so when I find another one that I don't have, I must have it.  I've read that the blooms are inconspicuous, but I don't think so.  Wonderful wildflower that does quite well in a domestic garden.

Product Overview:Perennial

Height:20-60 cm (8-24")

Positioning:Full sun

Germination:May require a cold period

Price:$4.00 (25 seeds per package)

Quantity: add to cart

Aster ciliolatus

Lindley's Aster (Symphyotrichum ciliolatum)

This grows everywhere around here.  Not complaining, Aster's are a favourite, they're purple.

Product Overview:Alberta Native

Height:20-100 cm

Positioning:Full sun to part shade

Germination:May require fluctuating temperatures

Price:$3.50 (A good pinch (too tiny to count))

Quantity: add to cart

Aster conspicuus

Showy Aster (Eurybia conspicua)

This is my favourite wild aster.  They are sturdy tough long blooming plants.  

Product Overview:Perennial

Height:30 cm - 100 cm (12" - 40")

Positioning:Full sun to part shade

Germination:Warm germinator but can be slow

Price:$3.00 (30 seeds per package)

Quantity: add to cart

Caltha palustris

Fresh seed available as of July 2022

Marsh Marigold - The ditches, streams, well just about any wet area in my neck of the woods, turns solid yellow with these flowers in the spring.  I think it is glorious.  This past summer, 2018, I noticed an area on Hwy 12 that was yellow, yellow, yellow with marsh marigolds, going back into the woods as far as I could see.  

The pungent leaves contain helleborine, poisoness, which is destroyed when boiled in 3 changes of water.   When eaten they are supposed to be a good remedy for cougns and colds.  It is also reported that a few drops of the corrosive sap applied to a wart daily will kill the virus.

If quantity is wanted, notify by April 30.

Can be used for dyeing fibre.

Product Overview:Alberta Native / Wild Collected

Height:20-60 cm

Positioning:Full sun, likes moist / wet conditions

Germination:Seed is moist packed directly after harvest.

Price:$4.00 (50 seeds per package)

Quantity: add to cart

Campanula rotundifolia


Found throughout most of Alberta on dry hillsides and meadows.  Easy to grow in the garden in full sun to light shade. 

Of interest - the Cree chopped the dried root and made it into a compress to stop bleeding, reduce swelling and promote healing.

Product Overview:Perennial

Height:20-45 cm

Positioning:Full sun to part shade

Germination:Warm germinator, do not cover seed

Price:$0.00 (100 seeds per package)

Quantity: add to cart